Don’t Cry, Don’t Cry

I should explain this one. One of my best friends lost his dad very recently. That, combined with memories of losing my own father, inspired this piece. I hope you like it.
And here I lay,
In quiet repose,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And so I’m gone,
Like summers rose,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And darkness now,
Is all I’ll see,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And in your heart,
I’ll forever be,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And in your loss,
A strength you’ll find,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And moon and stars,
Will oft’ remind,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And life I lived,
With love so loud,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.

And be your all,
And make me proud,
Don’t cry, don’t cry.


To close my eyes
And see the stars
With night so laid
Before me;
I could not ask
For more than this
While laying here
In glory.

The thickness of
A passing dream
The space between
A heartbeat;
The length of time
From now to then
That makes the night
So complete.

To taste the moon
On lips of blood
And touch the skin
Of beauty;
To gaze in awe
At heavens form
Displayed in you
Before me.

Who knew a night
Could offer so
The chance of sweet
I give my all
And so succumb
To your revealed

Reblog : The Watches Of The Dark

Faithful readers,
In honour of William Shakespeare’s birthday, I thought I’d reblog this effort at ‘Shakespearean language’.
I hope you like it.


Though shy, thou art,
in beauty kept,
the world would pause
and be so swept
away ‘pon waves
of jealous sea
by sweetness shown
to such as me.

Enraptured heart
so owned by thee,
celestial grace
and gloried be,
my blessed life
enlightened so
by passions kiss
in moonlights glow.

With rising sun
the precious dawn
still fades when shown
thy perfect form,
and in this mornings
revealing light,
my eyes doth see
thy beauty bright.

Stay here with me
in life so shared,
where days will pass
without a care,
and in the watches
of the dark,
you’ll tame my body,
my soul and heart.