A Mind

Far away, a man sits in silence. He doesn’t smile, he doesn’t frown, he doesn’t express a single emotion. He thinks, long and hard, about the worlds within his mind. He speaks to the void:
“I am a world, and all worlds. I am the universe and the space between two cells. I hold everyone I have ever met, everyone I have ever seen, everyone I have formed a picture of in a space the size of a single rose. My head is finite, my mind infinite. A civilisation can rise and fall and rise again in the space of a breath, and never touch more than the imagined lives held within my mind. I am God, I am man, I am the creator and the destroyer. The only thing that does not exist within my mind is that which I have not yet imagined.
There are more unexplored regions in the depth of my mind than there are stars in all the universe. When I die, how can all this within me not explode into an eternity of life, and form galaxies that never end?”