
Seven days is not much of a hiatus – and I don’t know how regularly I’ll be posting – but something needed to be said

What I want,
what I need,
takes second place
to what is real.

Distance far,
time not found,
to make the journey
to where love abounds.

Patience gone,
desire cold,
strength of will
withered, old.

Too much pain,
sadness more,
things no longer
as before.

Drift apart,
as passion dies,
becoming used to
crying eyes.

Test I failed,
of time apart,
though I love you
with all my heart.

Please take care,
be ever strong,
in living where you
now belong.

Alone again,
and ever more,
you’ll be the one
I once adored.


This blog will now be going on hiatus. I want to thank everyone who has read, ‘liked’, and commented on my work. There are thousands of excellent blogs out there and the fact that so many have taken the time to read the drivel that has seeped from my mind is humbling. I’m not sure when more work will be put up here. Thank you all again.


Gracefully falling,
wind whistles past
the ears of a man
who’s love left too fast.

With one last big step
he’s ending it all,
from the top of the bridge
with one final fall.

Living without her
his heart cannot stand,
cursing the nature
that shattered his plans.

True love and joy,
the future did hold
with a woman so precious
with which to grow old.

But life can be cruel
and the world most unkind,
stealing away what was once
so divine.

So with no friends around him,
and no family at all
he’s curing his pain
with one final fall.