Distance : A Reading

I recently was lucky enough to hear a recording of a very talented poet’s work. You can find her blog here It inspired me to try recording one of my own pieces again, and so here it is. It’s of my recent new one, Distance, and I hope you like it.

To Rise : A Reading

Once again, my tatty little blog has been blessed by the dulcet tones of Fibee5 who has given me the pleasure of recording one of my recent poems – To Rise. I’m sure you’ll all agree she gives my words such a sheen of quality and meaning. I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I did. .

In Truth : A Reading

It’s been another little while since the wonderful Fibee5 has graced these pages with a reading, but here’s a new one from her, reading my poem “In Truth”. I hope you enjoy listening to her as much as I do. And don’t forget to pay a visit to her blog, you won’t be disappointed.