
Dear readers,
Are there any left? It’s been what feels like aeons since I had the motivation, inspiration, creative spark to write something new. But at last, I have something to post. It’s not my best (where ‘best’ is a quite nebulous quality) but it’s something new and that makes me happy, as it proves my elusive muse has not yet abandoned me completely. I hope you like this, and can understand the imagery. Thanks for reading.

I’ve smashed the frame
And broke the glass,
The mirror showing awful past.
No more my twin
With judging eyes,
Will hurt me with a wicked laugh.

Gaze nevermore
To turn away,
From cold reflected unkind truth.
Instead the light
Of newborn day
Reminder of my precious youth.

They fall away
My gathered years
And vic’tries past are sweet recalled.
This aged shell
Is swift renewed
Now mirror has been so unwalled.

But oh alas
This view is false
All passing days are laid so bare.
So once again
I face the truth
Of this poor mortal standing there.

Broken Mirror

Yes, I am at work today, but this one kept nudging and probing at my mind until I got it out and down on the page. Hope you like it.

Don’t look too long in mirror broke
For fear of spirits seen.
A fractured glimpse of backward world
Where old loves may have been.

It holds the eye this shattered glass
And draws the mind within.
Hours fade while standing lost
Mem’ries seen therein.

Reflected world confused with scars
Shows dark and twisted place.
Where once familiar eyes looked out
Is now a strangers face.

Eternal light that’s captured so
In plane of silver sheen.
Still shows a glimpse of shadows dark
Amongst the broken beams.

As mind is lost to splintered glass
Through barrier so thin.
All sense is lost of where you end
And where your shade begins.

As finally your will is lost
The inner self replaced.
Your soul is lost to mirrored world
Gone without a trace.

Mirror Mirror : A Reading

It’s been a while since I posted one of these, but the wonderful Fibee5 has sent me another reading of one of my poems. Every time I have posted one of these, I never fail to get lots of great feedback on her reading, and the emotion she is able to put into my words. I hope you like this one. It’s of my poem Mirror Mirror.